showing 4 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
A Tale in the Desert  eGenesis;Pluribus Games2003 egypt egyptian-theme mmog naturalistic nonviolent osx subscription wasteland labelminimizeminimize
Age of Mythology  MacSoft2003 3plusfactions 4ormoreresources antiquity asymmetricfactions atlantis avianoids aybabtu bangengine basebuilding birds cavalry centaurs cervids crocodiles crocodilians cyclopes damagetypes deities divinemenace drm egyptian-theme egyptianmythology elephants fantasticearth fatbinary giantbeetles giants giantsnakes giantwolves giraffes grecoroman grecoromanmythology hippo hydrae infantry kraken leveleditor lutris manticores matchmakingrating minotaurs monsters mummies naga norsemythology osx osx-2 osx-3 osx-4 osx-5 pegasus phoenixes ppc realtimestrategy resourceharvesting rhinoceroses safedisc siegetowers siegeweapons swordandsandal trolls warfare-land warfare-sea wildlife wolves workers worldcybergames x86 labelminimizeminimize
Ankh BHV Software (Deck13 Interactive)2005 adaptivemusic ankh-series cdrom clickadventure egyptian-theme ogre-engine osx labelminimizeminimize
Abu Simbel Profanation Deluxe  M.A Software2006 allegro download egyptian-theme osx uvl-osversion labelminimizeminimize